reta Gauhe
Choreographer, Dancer, Producer, Researcher

Sens(in)g Shower
English version
Welcome to this performance in your Shower!
Yes, you have read correctly, today we will spend some time in our showers together. However, please make sure that your shower is dry.
In order to get the most out of this experience, I would encourage you to follow these preparations:
Please wear warm, comfortable clothes but have bare hands and feet.
Heat your bathroom as much as possible before the performance.
Complete this performance in the evening or morning, just before you would go for a real shower normally.
Please have a speaker ready, so that you can listen to the audio-recording via your speaker. Turn the volume up, so that you can follow my voice.
The performance will involve movement, so I encourage you to warm-up your body before-hand.
After having completed the performance, I invite you to return back to this page and to leave a short feedback, reflections, thoughts or questions in the comment section below. If you would like to share an image of your performance space or as a response, please email it to: greta.gauhe@yahoo.de. (Please note: if you do not want your response to be shared on this website, indicate this in your email)
Thank you, I look forward to meeting you in your shower soon!
German version
Willkommen zu dieser Vorstellung in Ihrer Dusche! ​
Ja, Sie haben richtig gelesen, heute werden wir gemeinsam etwas Zeit unter der Dusche verbringen. Bitte achten Sie jedoch darauf, dass Ihre Dusche trocken ist. ​ Um das Beste aus dieser Erfahrung herauszuholen, empfehle ich Ihnen, die folgenden Vorbereitungen zu treffen: ​
Bitte tragen Sie warme, bequeme Kleidung, aber haben Sie bloße Hände und Füße. ​ Heizen Sie Ihr Badezimmer vor der Vorstellung so weit wie möglich auf. ​ Führen Sie diese Aufführung am Abend oder Morgen durch, kurz bevor Sie normalerweise unter die Dusche gehen würden. ​
Bitte halten Sie einen Lautsprecher bereit, damit Sie die Audioaufzeichnung über Ihren Lautsprecher anhören können. Erhöhen Sie die Lautstärke, damit Sie meiner Stimme folgen können. ​ Da die Aufführung Bewegung erfordert, empfehle ich Ihnen, Ihren Körper vorher aufzuwärmen. ​
Nach Abschluss der Aufführung lade ich Sie ein, zu dieser Seite zurückzukehren und im Kommentarbereich unten ein kurzes Feedback, Überlegungen, Gedanken oder Fragen zu hinterlassen.
Wenn Sie ein Bild Ihres Aufführungsraums oder als Antwort teilen möchten, senden Sie es bitte per E-Mail an: greta.gauhe@yahoo.de. (Bitte beachten Sie: Wenn Sie nicht möchten, dass Ihre Antwort auf dieser Website geteilt wird, geben Sie dies in Ihrer E-Mail an.) ​
Vielen Dank, ich freue mich darauf, Sie bald unter Ihrer Dusche zu treffen!
Watching Britney Spears perform 20 years ago has been my ultimate inspiration to pursue a career in dance. Ever since then, my entire existence has revolved around the realms of dance, movement, and art. This passion has taken various forms in my life—I am not only a performer but also hold the role of artistic director for the Follow Through Collective. Additionally, I am pursuing postgraduate research at the Center for Dance Research in Coventry.
One aspect that brings me immense joy is collaborating with individuals from diverse backgrounds. I firmly believe in the incredible power of collective actions and this belief is strongly reflected in my performance works. During these endeavors, I strive to cultivate a sense of community, fostering an inviting environment where people are encouraged to actively participate and join in.
When I'm not immersed in my numerous projects, I cherish the precious moments spent with my two children. They offer me the opportunity to view the world through a lens of playfulness and excitement, making every experience a vibrant and thrilling adventure.

"Ich habe die Performance unter der Dusche gemacht. Geöffnetes fenster, höre Vogelstimmen das Sonnenlicht strahlt in den Raum, Meine Phantasie zieht mich an einen Strand von Kreta. Eine Dusche am Strand, weiter Blick übers Wasser....sooo schön"
"I can still hear myself humming while writing this text. Your voice is very present with me right now. I feel like I know you, even though this is the first time I heard your voice. I notice my body still moving, very slightly, internally, after all that shifting and pushing and pulling we have done together. I felt connected to you, in a different sense, connected because we did something together, because we achieved something together, or did we?
I want to do this again and see if this will change my experience in any way. Thank you."
"I can really feel our connection in a sense of shared movement, sensing, and creativity, while also feeling an enhancement of my very own creative mindspace after sharing this multisensory space together."
"I felt a connection or closeness throughout as I could hear the perfomer very well and clear, which backed the impression that she was completely immersed in the shared performance space. During the performance I felt that connection especially deepened when moving freely and feeling synchronized, as sometimes I had the impression that my own speed and sensory explorations sometimes came slightly before the performer invited to do whatever I was already exploring. In other situations, the performers invitations to certain movements or actions seemed to really align with what I would naturally intend to do next."

"The difference in quality and intensity was really interesting when feeling the wall for instance on my forehead (mostly pressure, structure, almost massage-like), a cheek (temperature – strikingly cold), or with my fingertips (detailed structure, feeling of information acquisition rather than sensory experience)."
"I felt connected to my own creativity but also to the performer as a person. I feel lucky to have experienced the joy of movement and sensory space exploration in a creative yet so mundane setting. My experience almost leaves me feeling like I can now grasp a little bit more of what the essence of modern dance is, or can be, about from a performer’s perspective"